If you are an AMS and are not listed on our website or if you would like the AHTV network connected at your clinic please get in touch via the phone number or enquiry form below.

NameStreet Address StatePostcodePhone
Tasmanian AMS Hobart198 Elizabeth Street, Hobart TAS7000(03) 6234 0700
Tasmanian AMS Launceston182 Charles St, Launceston TAS7250(03) 6332 3800
Tasmanian AMS Burnie53 Alexander Street, Burnie TAS7320(03) 6436 4100
Tasmanian AMS Ridson838 East Derwent Hwy, Risdon TAS7017(03) 6234 0730
TAMS Hobart56 Patrick Street, HobartTAS7000(03) 6234 0777


Aboriginal Health Television
Suite 7.02, Level 7
10-14 Waterloo Street
Surry Hills
NSW 2010

T: 1300 856 690